Blondes , blondes, blondes
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Ten blonde commandments

1. Don't be yellow - it's not natural & it's very cheap looking

2. Mask it , being crispy and dry looking is just as bad as being yellow

3. Leave - in , use a leave in conditioner or heat protectant

4. Lower the heat on your tools . Refer back to commandment #2

5. Use a violet based shampoo/conditioner combo . I repeat yellow is gross Refer to rule #1

6. Say yes to a glaze , if your stylist offers it , do it ! 

7. Invest in a shine spray , yes a shine spray .. Nothing is nicer than long , healthy , shiny blonde .

8. Invest in dry shampoo , now that your blonde your hair is probably dryer . Keep as many natural oils in your hair to rehydrate naturally.

9. Book your appointments ahead of time , aside from being crispy and dry , unintentional roots are pretty bad too. Have a routine , have a schedule.

10. Be dimensional , different variations of blonde not only will make your hair paper fuller but will help it look more natural .

Stay blonde !
 Email , spprostylist@gmail.com

Instagram @s_prostylist


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