Five Minute Updo


Just like your favorite dance moves you break out ( no matter how embarrassing ) I have a few updo moves I can share. 

Before we begin there are always rules so listen up ...

1. Always second day hair.

2. Use Bobby pins , never hair pins. 

3. Working spray is a must .. It comes in the same can as regular hair spray just read the bottle. 

Separate your hair in half. Especially if you want a ton of Volume.  Next I like to flat iron my hairline, make sure every little hairline curl is handled. 

Three Bobby pins and my most signature   Pinning move later you're almost done. 

 Made you a little video ... 

Next, all small hairs get sprayed down. 

Taking small a sections I run an iron through that.

Don't worry I made a video for that

After the fact a little teasing brushing and spraying puts it all together. 

There's a video for that too 

Next is brushing back and placing what you do and don't want, truth be told that's not something I can show you it's entirely preferential to you. 


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