TREND ALERT - short hair

 Recently a friend an I were exhanging messages and he says ," you should encourage more girls to cut their hair short . The women in Italy with short hair are so beautiful ."

Could it be during his travels he may have adopted a kinder eye and could even find a sloth to be cute ? Quite possible .

As a reformed waist long extension queen , I find myself agreeing with him . Do I ever find myself longing for the days of endless hair with an endless amount of wanding to perfection? Occasionally.

However , I also found myself hiding behind it . It was the mobile security blanked stemmed from the superficial need to be and look like Barbie .

My new found short hair has been an experience of growth and freedom. Just like breaking a bad habit , I needed to be re-wired. Now looking at myself I'm more than confident in my natural self ,and less cranky in the morning because I have more time for important things like sleep.  Above all  I find myself confident , that I am enough as I am . No need for extensions or über long hair product evaporating hair .


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