If your hair feels like straight S#!t

Sometimes reality sets in and we are no longer in hair heaven of perfectly smooth shiny waves. We end up I'm purgatory with subpar waves and dry ends.

This is why I preach about masking . You can only go so long taking and taking from your hair.

It's the easiest thing ever to do . Literally , you put this magical stuff in you hair after shampooing . You can leave it while you workout and put it in a sleek bun. Or more specifically on a Sunday after you've shampooed Saturday nights sins out and your not doing anything but eating Chinese food on the couch mindlessly watching your guilty pleasure.

The point is , just do it .

Now lets talk the creme de la creme of masks . Assuming you are in the vicinity of an Aveda salon , you call up and ask for a botanical treatment. Why does one ask for this?  You ask because it heals your hair from the inside out . No other conditioner can do anything remotely like this . Due to it's liquid consistency it allows for the product to penetrate the cuticle of your hair and being it's plant based it won't over-proteinize* your hair . Thereafter being rinsed and blown out you touch your hair and it's literally silk . Ha! Aveda gold I tell you . Here's the catch you cannot purchase this mask because it's an  in salon treatment and has to be applied a certain way and stay in your hair for 20-30 minutes .  Keep in mind that it's a great way boost your hairs health . Your hair will only be as good to you as you are to it .


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